How can we help?
Recruiters and HR managers face many challenges that consume the majority of time. Azati analyzes the existing workflows and automates routine tasks boosting the personnel performance.

Our experience
Candidate Search Platform
One of the most critical recruitment industry tasks is finding a candidate who meets all the vacancy’s requirements. And even for a high-skilled job seeker finding a suitable job can become a disturbing experience.
The fuss with documents and resume variety makes this process for HR specialists and managers even more stressful.
Our engineers designed and developed a recruitment platform consisting of five main modules. All these modules are located in the cloud, which helps us to improve security and processing speed, as well as reduces maintenance costs.
The system we delivered greatly speeds up and simplifies the recruitment process for the customer.
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Our experience
HRM & CRM System for Corporate Needs
With the extensive growth of any company, considerable amounts of data are collected. Employees rely on various data processing tools that can lead to a lack of coordination since no single and unified management system exists.
Such an issue significantly complicates all manipulations with personnel data such as search, processing, or storage and increases the duration of business processes.
Azati team developed an all-in-one solution. Human Resource Management and CRM are integrated into a single platform that is much easier and comfortable to operate and can be adopted by other organizations for similar needs.
The solution is built around modular architecture, which provides easy and flexible configuration with a decent level of transparency.
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Our experience
Local Trademen Search
Azati dealt with various challenges while creating an online marketplace where local tradesmen, handymen, and consultants can offer their services and get paid for it.
Users formulate complex search queries in natural language, which is impossible to process without modern NLP technologies.
Azati created a complex web platform powered by Ruby on Rails. It included search API, the web interface and the mobile app.
The engineers also used machine learning models to accelerate general data lookup and provide a competitive advantage over the existing solutions. The internal search engine is the core of the application. Azati created unique search algorithms that allow finding local tradespeople around 272% faster compared to a traditional search engine.
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Our experience
Search Engine Algorithm Improvement
One of the most common problems of the general search engines is that the algorithms process only perfectly matched data – called “exact matches”. Sometimes recruiters indicate specific skills in a slightly different form from that job seeker pointed out.
The problem extremely critical within the IT industry, as there is a considerable number of different technologies, frameworks, programming languages, and other terms, that are interconnected.
To improve the search algorithm, our engineers decided to use machine learning algorithms, which takes into account the similarity of related skills and the same skills specified under different names.
The developed smart-matching algorithm provides more reasonable and precise search results. It has dramatically improved the recruiters’ ability to find suitable candidates.
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